Goku was a babe. I'm just saiyan. ? #dragonballz

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

趁著家中小寶寶睡著了,然後悉心打扮還拍攝各種 Cosplay 照片,這類作品我們也曾介紹過,而這輯來自媽媽攝影師 Laura Izumikawa Choi 的作品,近日更引起不少注目,因為作品真的很可愛呢!

她為自己的四個月大女兒 Joey Marie Choi,拍攝一張又一張照片,其 IG @lauraiz 目前亦已有近 30 萬跟隨者了呢。



Hey babygirl, let me take a pik at chu. #pokemon

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

We do Wizard Crush Wednesdays ? #sarahssilks

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

It's only Monday and I'm dreaming of #Hawaii ?

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Joey dreams of sushi ?

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Gotta catch some sleep that's what. #pokemon

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

What the best exercise for a swimmer? Pool-ups. ?? #rio2016

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

What did Paul Bunyan say when he pooped his pants? It was an ax-ident. #PaulBunyan

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Why can't Cinderella play soccer? Cuz she keeps running away from the ball.

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

If you work out like a viking, you'll be Thor in the morning.

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

What was the most popular dance in 1776? Independance. ?? #4thofJuly

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Employee of the month ?

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

What kind of shoes do ninjas wear? Sneakers.

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Just keep swimming! Can't wait to watch Finding Dory! ?

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Long hair don't care. She's ready to eat.?

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

I think I ate like 5 oranges a day during my pregnancy. I'm surprised she didn't come out more orange looking.?

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

She made me crave sushi w/ ginger everyday during my pregnancy. So this is payback. ? | 7w

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

大家有興趣欣賞更多的話,可到其 Instagram @lauraiz 瀏覽。



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