早前有讀者轉載留言,表示 Facebook 用戶 Emily Kau 有朋友於「上海浦東國際機場」拾獲一部數碼相機 Sony A5000 (黑色),以下是相機內部份照片,相信他們曾到訪香港、上海、張家界、北京等地,請各網友廣傳消息,讓失主早日尋回。

A lost camera (Sony A5000 – black) was found in “Shanghai Pudong International Airport”. Please spread this news to find the owner.

According to the photos, the owner have been in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Zhangjiajie, Beijing, etc.




如果你知道失主是誰,請直接聯絡有關網友。Please contact the Facebook user below if you have found the owner:

朋友在"上海浦東國際機場"檢到一部相機希望幫忙尋找失主!Find a lost camera in shanghai airport pls help to find the owner :)Found a camera in…

Posted by Emily Kau on Tuesday, July 14, 2015


1) 在相機電池或記憶卡上,貼上聯絡資料。

2) 在記憶卡內儲存聯絡資料,或拍攝一張「請聯絡本人」的照片,當人們翻看相機照片時,就可以直接看到你了。