著名演員 Kate Winslet 與化妝品 L’Oréal 的廣告合約中,註明禁止 PS
著名演員 Kate Winslet (琦溫斯莉) 當年曾被譏為「肥溫斯莉」,雖然此外號不再,但有趣的是,她與化妝品 L’Oréal 之間的模特兒合約中,原來還標明了「不准後製」的條款!她已成為「反 PS」的著名藝人之一了。
為甚麼會這樣選擇?E! Online 早前訪問了她,並拍攝以下影片︰
在 Kate Winslet 的回答中,表明年輕一代的女性,很自然會去欣賞那些成功的前輩,而她有責任去表現出真實的自己︰
“I can only ever speak for myself and I can only ever do things that are important to me.”
“It’s a hope that other people might follow suit but it does feel important to me because I do think we have a responsibility to the younger generation of women.”
“I think they do look to magazines, I think they do look to women who have been successful in their chosen careers and they want people to look up to.”
“I would always want to be telling the truth about who I am to that generation because they’ve got to have strong leaders.”
“We’re all responsible for raising strong young women, so these are things that are important to me.”
據資料指出,在 2013 年時 Kate Winslet 已向 GQ 投訴瘦化了她的腿大約 1/3,不過同年的 Vogue 也把她的臉磨滑得太多了。這令人想起,另一國際巨星 Lady Gaga 曾「批評雜誌把她 PS 過火了」,今次的新聞,再把這種工業文化置於焦點之中,雖然,對不少人來說,化妝本身又何嘗不是一種 PS?
(相信你還記得早前 Shiseido 的廣告吧?)