藝術攝影師 Nicky Hamilton 剛剛完成了他最新的拍攝計劃「The Lonely Man」,這個系列的照片除了非常有電影感,最特別的地方是整個拍攝場景都是特意建造,由起草圖、建造場景、打燈直至拍攝,每一張相片均需時3個月,那份認真與堅持很令人讚嘆。


「父親早年是個建築工人,生活很簡單,很悠閒也有很多歡笑。」(“In the early years my Dad started out as a builder,” Hamilton says. “Things were simple, holidays where plenty and so was the laughter.”)

「直至80年代中期,父親因事失去了他的事業,也破產了,再也負擔不起他剛剛購買的新居。」(“In the mid 80s my Dad lost his business in a freak incident and had to declare himself bankrupt, post a recent purchase of a dream home he could no longer afford,” he continues.)

「他開始犯罪,也成為了癮君子,變成了一個會叫他兒子阻止他自殺的人。」(“He turned to crime and crime turned him into a drug addict who would one day call his son and ask me to prevent him from commuting suicide.”)


「我發覺攝影的世界行得太快。」(“I came to the realization that the photography world was moving too fast,” the photographer states.)


「我打算改變一下自己的攝影步伐,我希望去創造我的攝影作品,就好像一個畫家在一塊畫板上創作一樣,而不是去尋找適合的拍攝場景。」(“I wanted to change the pace, my plan was to work akin to a painter with a canvas, creating the photo and not finding it on location,” says Hamilton.)


Time-lapse of set build for ‘The Stairs’ 2016. #nickyhamilton #thelonelyman

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完成品 “The Stairs”

每一張作品都充分感受到攝影師注入了無窮的心力及時間,以下是更多「The Lonely Man」的BTS 及完成作品:

Production still of ‘The Shower’ 2016. #nickyhamilton #thelonelyman

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Production still of ‘The Loft’ 2016. #nickyhamilton #thelonelyman

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Production still of ‘The Bathroom’ 2016. #nickyhamilton #thelonelyman

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Time-lapse of set build for ‘The Hotel’ 2015. #nickyhamilton #thelonelyman

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攝影師網站: Nicky Hamilton

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