當 2004 年 Facebook 出現不久之後, Tom Anderson 已經將他的知名社交網站 Myspace賣了給新聞集團 (News Corporation),獲得了 5.8 億美金,但他沒有繼續創立新的社交網站,反而成為了攝影師,現在他與相機結伴到處環遊世界,而且拍的照片相當出色。


在2011年,Tom Anderson 離開了Myspace兩年後,他參與了著名的火人祭 (Burning Man),在其中發掘到自己對攝影的興趣,現在44歲的Anderson,經常在他的Instagram @myspacetom發佈他在世界各地走訪過的各國風情,例如冰島、夏威夷、緬甸等等,除了自然景觀外,他亦會視乎各地節慶、特別的天氣而到訪不同國家去拍照。


One of my favorite movies ?of all time will probably bore you to tears. ?Even I fell asleep the first 2 times I tried to watch it. ?It’s called Lawrence of Arabia and loving that film is part of what made me want to be a photographer. ?When I first began taking photos in 2012, it was hard for me to find photographers I liked. There were not that many doing the kind of thing that I was into at that time. Now there’s at least a hundred photographers that just blow me away. ?But if I think back to the beginning of my photo life, the influences I drew from were all movie makers and painters. ???David Lean – the director of Lawrence is still one of my favorites. Here’s to David — this photo is from a special night spent in the desert. Yes I got to ride that ? camel. Crazy times ??Feel free to tag some of your favorite photographers below. ??

Tom Anderson(@myspacetom)分享的貼文 於 張貼

First day in Iceland has been fun! I got this shot a few hours ago. Because of the time of year, the sun never sets here. ? It’s 4am and it’s still bright ? I’ve been to Iceland twice before and spent about 6 weeks total here. This country is so photogenic — probably more than any other place in the world. ? Beautiful and photogenic are not the same–sometimes beautiful things are hard to capture in a photo, but Iceland has so many beautiful places that are also photogenic. So many of these places are easily accessible from the main highway that circles the island. ? I think that’s why tourism has grown so fast here: Instagram is filled with stunning photos Iceland. The Icelandic people have made an impression on me as well. Case in point: my online friend @ozzophotography who I’ve never met in person before sent his son on a 4 hour roundtrip drive to bring me a piece of gear I left behind in America! Wow!! Thanks so much Oli brother! Check out his photos and videos of Iceland they’re crazy!

Tom Anderson(@myspacetom)分享的貼文 於 張貼

這位所有新用戶在Myspace上的第一位朋友,其實對鏡頭有點害羞,Tom Anderson很少自拍,最近一次就要數到2013年4月。

I am behind on processing photos! In other news, I think Japanese sushi is good for my skin 🙂

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I love this photo!! Lol ? I’ve been doing photography for about 5 years now and it’s rare for me to love shots anymore–the bar always gets a little higher and it’s hard to be satisfied. But this one, I love! ? I’ve been helicoptering around Alaska for about a week trying to shoot the incredible glaciers and mountains from the sky and the weather has been a challenge, to say the least! This moment was just that– gone in an instant–the fog cleared to reveal the peak of the mountain for just a few seconds and after a week of trying, I finally got something! I love it so much I want to invite everyone over to see it on the big screen!! ??? Not sure if this scene translates so well to the small size of instagram, but this is a giant waterfall coming off this melting glacier and we are high up in the sky. The bottom of the waterfall you see here is still several thousand feet up the mountain. Yay ? satisfied! ??

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Fun spot in London. Love this city! This is a combination of several long exposures 🙂

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Missing my second home Hawaii. On my way there soon. Aloha ??✈️?????

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如果想看更多Tom Anderson的照片,可以到他的Instagram @myspacetom 觀看。

Via: Bored Panda