IPA (Invisible Photographer Asia) 是一個街頭及紀實攝影分享平台,成立於2010年,是相當年輕的組織,卻已經成為了很龐大的社群,多個來自亞洲地區的出色攝影師都來分享他們的作品與文章,包括東亞的日本、台灣、南韓,西亞的伊拉克、伊朗、巴基斯坦,也有南亞的馬來西亞、泰國等,當然也有香港地區的攝影師,例如 Lam Yik Fei 的「Agent Orange」就成為了「Top 10 Most Popular Photo Essays 2011」即十大最多人瀏覽的作品之一,大家可以前往欣賞。


The Colt Attacks, by Karan Vaid

Another street show, by Mazini Hafizhuddin

Dead Man Walking, by Karolus Naga

Street Scene Jammu, by Siddharth Jain

View on the pool of the Frazer Hotel in Sukhumvit 11, by Dirk Claus

Mass Wedding, by Nicky Loh

Bad Weather, by Emese Benko

Another Life In Town, by Chanakan Nippita

Untitled, by Erwin Sitorus

Sapporo, by Charlie Kirk

ive, by Rony Zakaria

No One, by Jing-Chao Chen

Run, by Pramudya Tony Mahendra

Perspective, by Theofilus De Roza

Something passes by, by Ting Tuck Loong

Curious dog in Ginza, by Inaki Lizarraga de Miguel

Visitors Outside The Temple, by Siddharth Jain

The Shadow, by Werayuth Piriyapornprapa

Caterpillar, by Willy Yohanes Lim

Yoga, by Jimmy Sng

有相當的照片是要留心一看,就能發現當中有趣之處,是很出色的作品。相信2012年也會有這個比賽吧?大家要繼續留意 IPA 這個網站啊。

Source: Photo Essay: TOP 20 Finalists Slideshow (Invisible Photographer Asia)