Photo enthusiast Cezar Popescu looks at an image of the Sfintii Voievozi monastery taken from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" in Slobozia

Cezar Popescu回到Sfintii Voievozi monastery的現址。


攝影愛好者 Cezar Popescu 嘗試數碼化這些由羅馬尼亞戰地攝影師 Costica Acsinte 所拍,記錄遠至一次世界大戰的相片,讓它們更容易在網絡上發布和傳流。有賴Cezar Popescu的努力,這些相片得以在近90多年後的今天重生,發揮相片的作為載體,記錄並展示故事的功能。(順帶一提,世上第一個戰地攝影記者,正是羅馬尼亞人 Carol Popp de Szathmary!)

Images scanned from "Costica Acsinte" picture archive are pictured on a monitor in Slobozia


Images from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" are scanned at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia

相片的數碼化會在羅馬尼亞雅洛米察縣博物館(Ialomita county museum)進行。

Photo enthusiast Cezar Popescu cleans a glass plate negative from "Costica Acsinte" picture archive before scanning at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia

Costica Acsinte的相片很多是利用玻璃板作負片拍攝,把它們數碼化前需要先作清潔。

Photo enthusiast Cezar Popescu scans a negative from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia


Photo enthusiast Popescu cleans a glass plate negative from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" before scanning at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia


A museographer holds a glass plate negative from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia


Photo enthusiast Cezar Popescu looks at a glass plate negative from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" before scanning at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia

Photo enthusiast Cezar Popescu cleans the scanner before digitalizing negatives from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" in Slobozia


Photo enthusiast Cezar Popescu cleans a negative from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" before scanning at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia

Photo enthusiast Popescu looks at a glass plate negative from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" before scanning at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia

A museographer holds glass plate negatives from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia

A museographer holds a glass plate negative from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia

Negatives from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" are seen at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia

Photo enthusiast Cezar Popescu looks at a negative from the "Costica Acsinte picture archive" at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia

Cezar Popescu looks at negatives from "Costica Acsinte" picture archive at Ialomita county museum in Slobozia, east of Bucharest

Paslaru holds a picture of her taken by Costica Acsinte about 50 years ago in Slobozia

Marioara Paslaru手拿的是Costica Acsinte所拍,50年前的自己。

