
Nikon D600 的塵污問題糾纏日久,經過早前演變成「上海工商局要求 Nikon D600 全國下架」還有一系列市場激烈反應之後,Nikon 的「 D600 塵粒問題的處理公告」亦總算正式地回應問題。而在 Nikon 官方網站的 Q&A 中,更有談到這個事件!總括來說,就是他們斥資 18 億日元 (折合約港幣  1 億 3000 萬),作為 D600 的維修與更換服務開支。全文關於「影像業務」的問答如下︰

What can you tell us about the warranty reserve for the D600?

With regard to the issue of the D600 digital SLR camera that we announced on March 28th, 2014, we allocated 1.8 billion yen for warranty reserve in the year ended March 2014 to cover the cost of repairs and replacements. We are taking this matter very seriously, and we will continue to offer users of the D600 a special service and , while we will be taking steps to restore confidence in the Nikon brand.

What can you tell us about the inventory level?

We have no concerns for the level of our inventory on hand. Regarding the amount of channel inventory, we have somewhat of a surplus at the moment due to the downturn in market conditions, but it is approaching proper levels compared to the situation at the end of December, 2013.

在早前提及過的「Nikon 發表 2013/14 財務報告,股價創 3 年新低」一文中,談及 Nikon 雖然受 D600 事件及市場不如理想等問題影響,股價與銷售都不佳,但是盈利仍然不錯,未來還是樂觀的,希望 Nikon 在今次事件後能夠重新出發,推出比起 Df 更能引起話題與注目的產品吧。

via Nikon Rumors