This video grab made on September 9, 2015 shows a Hungarian TV camerawoman kicking a child as she run with other migrants from a police line during disturbances at Roszke, southern Hungary. After the footage appeared, the camerawomen was fired on September 8 by N1TV, an internet-based TV station close to Hungary's far-right Jobbik party. The woman, later named as Petra Laszlo, can be seen tripping a man sprinting with a child in his arms, and kicking another running child in two separate incidents. The scenes took place as hundreds of migrants broke through a police line at a collection point close to the Serbian border where thousands have been crossing over each day for the past month. AFP PHOTO / INDEX.HU

引起全球公憤的匈牙利電視台攝影師 Petra László,早前絆倒敘利亞難民難民,又被拍攝到腳踢其他逃亡人士,成為眾矢之的,那個名為「Petra László Wall of Shame」的專頁短時間內累積超過 35,000 個 like (但目前已刪除,負責人指已變成仇恨頁,已變質)。

而有關電視台亦已迅速回應事件,開除了這位行為失當的攝影師,事件經過一段時間後,當事人終於開腔,並且把一封公信道歉信寄給當地報章 Magyar Nemzet (據說是右翼報章)。她大概意思︰


> 她感覺自己受到攻擊,要保護自己。

> 對於自己所做的行為,深感抱歉。

> 她表示自己只是一個普通的媽媽,做了錯誤的決定,而不是無良心、種族歧視者,不應以政治角度來批評她云云。

(網上有消息指,事件受害人名為 Oszama Al-Ghabad,原本是敘利亞的足球教練,當時他抱著的是兒子)

事件會否因此平息呢?尤其很多人傾向相信,攝影師本身就深受電視台的右翼傾向所影響,在她眼裏這些或許不是難民,而是搶奪資源的入侵者 (就像某些人口中的蝗蟲),而最近更有報導指出,一封來自匈牙利電視台的內部電郵,指示員工避免拍攝到小孩子,以減少引發公眾的同情心云云。如果是這樣的話,事件就更顯得政治化。


via Bokeh