Bethlehem, a young pilgrim at the Church of the Nativity

在以色列的人口中,大約只有 2% 的基督徒,而有 75% 是猶太教徒,其餘為穆斯林與其他宗教 / 不信宗教者,攝影師 Hanan Isachar 指,社會上很多對以色列宗教的報導,都關於宗教緊張局勢或衝突,但他平日在當地接觸的各個宗教,並不是那麼暴力。他希望通過照片,紀錄不同信仰和平地進行儀式的日常畫面。


Judean Desert, Greek Orthodox St. George of Koziba Monastery on the slope of Wadi Qelt


Israel, Jerusalem Old City, the Catholic feast of the Immaculate Conception at the Church of St. Anne, the Church is a 12th-century Crusader church, built over the ruins of a Byzantine Church at the traditional site of the birthplace of Anne, the mother of Mary


Haifa, the painted ceiling of the Church at the Carmelite Stella Maris Monastery on Mount Carmel, the Church was built over the remains of churches from the Byzantine and Crusader periods


Abouna Emile Shoufani at the Greek Catholic Church on Palm Sunday

下圖為猶大沙漠地,可看到希臘東正教的修道院 St. George of Choziba。

Judean Desert, Greek Orthodox St. George Monastery on the slope of Wadi Qelt

下圖為希臘東正教修道院,興建在耶穌禁食 40 天的地點。

The Greek Orthodox Monastery on the Mount of Temptation, the 19th century monastery is called Quarantal, a mispronunciation of the Latin word for forty


Israel, Jerusalem, Transfiguration Day at the Armenian Orthodox St. James Cathedral

下圖攝於耶路撒冷的聖馬可教堂,正值復活節,敘利亞東正教大主教 Mar Malki Murad (中)正在主持濯足節儀式。

Easter, Syrian Orthodox Archbishop Mar Malki Murad presides over the Maundy Thursday ceremony at the Syrian Orthodox St. Mark's Church in Jerusalem


Israel, Jerusalem Mountains. Ordination ceremony of Brother Olivier at the Crusader Church in Abu Gosh


via slate