
根據 Films not dead 的 instagram(@filmsnotdead),有名男子在一些流動舊貨攤以 GPB3(約 HKD 33)買下一部 Kodak Brownie 相機,回家後發現用不了,而且他查看時好像看到像日記一樣的紙,就去請店鋪位於倫敦的 Films not dead 職員幫他拆開看看,沒想到打開後發現裡面塞了 GPB 6,500 現金,即約 HKD 73,000。

他們說,那男子拿回打開的相機後眼淚馬上就湧上來,坐車回家後過了一小時又折返,把相機送了給 Films not dead 作為感謝。當被問到那些錢想用來做什麼時,他說他有 20 年沒有放過假了,想幫車子換個新輪胎,開車帶老婆出去玩一星期。

#TBT to finding £6,500 in a Box Brownie! Two years ago, this man arrived at the stall having found a brownie with a slightly more complicated opening mechanism than most. He told us he thought somebody must have left their diary inside as he could see a corner of a piece of paper through the frame counter. To all of our amazement when Charlie opened the camera up it wasn’t a diary, it was £6,500 in cash! The man’s hands shook as he took the camera back his eyes very quickly welling up. We gave him a bag and told him to get a taxi home. A few hours later he returned, having calmed down, he explained he had bought the camera for £3 at a car boot sale and this was the biggest break he’d had, he kindly gave us the camera as a thanks, it still sits in the shop to this day. When asked what he was going to I’m do with the money he said “Stick some new tyres on the car, and drive my wife to Clacton for the week, I haven’t been on holiday for 20 years ” #filmsnotdead #kodak #brownie #believekids #clacton

A photo posted by #FILMSNOTDEAD (@filmsnotdead) on

至於為什麼舊相機會藏了這麼多錢就無從得知,估計 Brownie 相機主人把它當成錢箱、但是忘記了或者死後被後人隨便賣出之類吧。