My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman's life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending "Whether to consume or worship it" but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. This is silent form of protest which starts from India Gate, one of the most visited sights in India. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. #RisingBeyondJingoism #WHPstandout #indiagate #cow #women #protest #womenpower #weekend #indiarising #workingwomen #live #animals #love #laugh #bluesky #standup #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

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不少留意新聞的人,都會覺得印度是個對於女性很危險的國家,不單時有聽聞集體強姦致死的新聞,而數據也指例如 2015 年,只有 29% 的強姦案被定罪,也只有 12% 被控強姦小孩的男人被判有罪。但與之相對,印度有數個州份是禁止屠宰牛隻,甚至在古吉拉特邦,殺一頭牛可處終身監禁,最近印度人民黨更倡議保護牛隻法案,最高刑罰還包括了死刑,而過去兩年,就已經有大概十來人,因為傷害牛隻而被殺死。

人不如牛,是不是太荒謬?來自加爾各答的藝術家 Sujatro Ghosh,正進行一個攝影創作系列,就是走訪印度不同的城市,邀請各地女性戴著牛頭面具拍照,以此喚起國內及國外的關注,所想說的,正正是在印度當一隻牛,比起做一個女人還要安全,會不會戴著牛頭面具,至少可以保護到自己呢?

在她的 Instagram 裏,也會上載不同的「牛頭女性」的照片,還加上參加者的附註,其作品可看如下︰

My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman's life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending "Whether to consume or worship it" but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. #RisingBeyondJingoism #misplacedpriorities #reflection #cow #women #protest #womenpower #smoke #indiarising #mirror #live #animals #love #laugh #art #bedroom #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

A post shared by Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) on

Pianist Calcutta'17 It's been a rollercoaster ride with this project of mine and it's been appreciated in almost all the platforms in the country. Thank you so much for everything the cow will keep travelling ? If you're interested in it, it's on out on @thetimes on Saturday. Read here – TYT Video too – and many other national and international publications ??‍♀️?? I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. I asked the woman whom I photographed "How do you feel safe when you wear the mask?" Aanya said : "When I came across Sujatro's first post, I was intrigued. It is such a different concept and I fell inlove with it immediately. I feel that this is a fun and effective way to bring to light the whole 'cows being safer than women' issue and I agree with it completely." #RisingBeyondJingoism #musician #piano #artist #home #art #altenativeart #silent #misplacedpriorities #bengal #calcutta #kolkata_igers #cow #protest #women

A post shared by Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) on

Holy Animal meets the Holy River Calcutta'17 It's been a rollercoaster ride with this project of mine and it's been appreciated in almost all the platforms in the country. Thank you so much for everything the cow will keep travelling ? If you're interested in it – @times_of_india @timesnow @wionews Read the whole story here : InUth Ebela The Quint @indiatimesinsta The Indian Express (Web) @buzzfeedindia @allindiabakchod Indian Express (Print),-2017#issue/25/1 and many more ??‍♀️?? I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. #RisingBeyondJingoism #misplacedpriorities #cow #protest #women

A post shared by Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) on

My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman's life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending "Whether to consume or worship it" but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. (Unable to disclose name for security reasons) says : "The mask instils a feeling of closure in the world of creepy gazes and lewd comments. This makes me feel empowered and safe. Empowered because I can raise my voice against these political miscreants and safe because it conceals my identity." #RisingBeyondJingoism #WHPstandout #bedroom #cow #women #protest #womenpower #politics #indiarising #phonecall #live #animals #love #laugh #art #conversation #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

A post shared by Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) on

My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman's life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending "Whether to consume or worship it" but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. #RisingBeyondJingoism #travel #cow #women #protest #womenpower #trains #indiarising #workingwomen #live #animals @instagram #love #laugh #mortality #standup #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

A post shared by Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) on

My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman's life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending "Whether to consume or worship it" but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. Nicole says : "At least if I walk down the streets in a cow mask, my chances of being harassed will probably be slim. No one wants to harass anyone who looks like a deity or a representative of a deity." #RisingBeyondJingoism #classroom #cow #women #protest #womenpower #politics #indiarising #studying #live #animals @instagram #love #laugh #art #standup #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

A post shared by Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) on

My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman's life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending "Whether to consume or worship it" but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. #RisingBeyondJingoism #maternal #cow #women #protest #womenpower #weekend #indiarising #workingwomen #live #animals @instagram #love #laugh #mortality #standup #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

A post shared by Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) on

My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman's life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending "Whether to consume or worship it" but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. Suchismita says: "As a woman, the question of harassment and insecurity has been a part and parcel of my life. And even more so, as I left my home and went to another city for my higher studies. But in the past few years, this question has been at the forefront in every single discourse. Rather than addressing it, there have been repeated examples of sidelining it with more trivial matters. In a country with astounding levels of rape, molestation, abuse and other manners of crimes perpetrated against women, it is beyond sick that the matter of cow protection and religion has more traction. What use are protected cows and religious sentiments if half the population of the country needs to live in constant threat in order to facilitate it? When I saw the rather innovative idea used to engage with the cow protectionist camp, I decided I had to be on board. These last few years, I've realised injecting humour is the only way to tackle these idiots. If we take offence at everything they say and do, then there lies no essential difference between them and us. The campaign in that sense, is quite mooving." #RisingBeyondJingoism #WHPstandout #market #cow #women #protest #womenpower #politics #indiarising #inquisitiveindian #live #animals #love #laugh #art #men #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

A post shared by Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) on

The cow will start to travel soon. Thank you so much for the love and support. In the meantime you can extend your support to us by contributing in our crowdfunding campaign to take this project across the country.(The link is in my bio.) < > I will be in Bombay, Delhi, Goa and Bangalore soon. Anyone and Everyone willing to be a part of this project can reach out to me via Email (given on my bio) or maybe contact me through the social media platforms. @bbcnews : @ajplus : @theweekmag : @qz : @elleindiaofficial @elleusa : Metro UK : #women #womenrights #humanrights #RisingBeyondJingoism #artist #journalist #red #altenativeart #silent #misplacedpriorities #joinus #cow #protest #women

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此作品系列目前亦在印度集資網站 BitGiving 中宣傳,希望能獲資助旅費,將有關訊息繼續宣傳,既是創作,也是示威抗議。