Enjoying the last of the warm weather this weekend! ??

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一般來說,很少主人會帶家貓出外散步,去旅行就更是少之又少了。但是,這身上長滿豹紋的孟加拉貓 Suki 卻經常跟主人到仙境般的郊外旅行,主人為牠拍攝不少照片並上載到 Instagram,吸引了31萬名追蹤者。

Suki 與主人住在加拿大,到過境內不同的國家公園、夢蓮湖、沛托湖、路易斯湖等地欣賞美景。從照片看來,似乎 Suki 是個很會擺 pose 的模特兒呢。

主人幫 Suki 拍攝的部份照片:

Just casually grooming myself on a cliff… ??

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

I chased a few unsuspecting dogs today… they were definitely more interesting than this waterfall! ???

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

I almost caught a ground squirrel at Moraine Lake… but my human interfered! ???

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

Soaking in the sunshine! ☀️?

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

My favourite place on the canoe ???

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

Mountain lion ??

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

Little Mermaid ???

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

A nice day for a waterfall hike ???

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

I am going to be seeing the meowntains for the first time this weekend! ???

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

主人與 Suki 的合照:

In love with the meowntains ???

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

Life is better with you by my side ???

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

In the meowntains with my human ???

A post shared by Suki The Cat (@sukiicat) on

也許不少人看完以上照片之後,都會很羨慕 Suki 能遊山玩水,覺得「人不如貓」吧,不過,Suki 的主人又有時間金錢去旅行,又得到「主子」寵幸陪她到處去,也很值得羨慕啊~

如想欣賞更多 Suki 的照片,可看看牠的 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/sukiicat/


好玩 Cosplay 貓貓 Maro 在 IG 上教你各種日本節慶習俗與知識

拍攝貓咪 70 年,現年 95 歲的傳奇貓貓攝影師 Walter Chandoha

奧地利攝影師拍攝「Jumping Cats」,一輯貓咪跳躍如飄浮半空的月曆作品


Via My Modern Art