人頭湧湧、舞台耀眼的強光…… 相信不少人第一眼看到這張照片,都會以為是一個大型的戶外音樂會?

不過,只要仔細再看一次,你就會發現這不是大型音樂會的照片,「觀眾」其實是一大片棉花田,「大舞台」則是收割機器。照片原先由攝影師 Micah Horn 上載到 Instagram,不過並未引起很大迴響,直到網民 Sonny Malhotra 分享到 Twitter,才引起大家熱議,很多人都表示自己被這畫面混淆了。

網民 @iRomin 甚至把照片上載到 Google Cloud Vision API 分析,結果卻是「Crowd」、「Festival」等內容,完全跟收割棉花無關,看來人工智能也不是 100% 可信呢。


更多由攝影師 Micah Horn 拍攝,收割棉花的畫面:

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No it’s not a concert, but it is a heck of a show!! I will say, you do get your exercise when you take harvest photos!! As soon as that basket is full you jump off (without falling off I might add) before the boll buggy pulls up and hit a quick trot 50-100 feet out, crouch to get just the right angle with just the right light and pray that you’re holding the camera steady enough to actually get a clean image. And, when the transfer of cotton from stripper to boll buggy is complete, it’s a game of jumping back in the cotton stripper while in motion. I think the crew was waiting for me slip up but luckily, well, I’m a pro at this game…(jk I fell like twice) #vivallanoestacado #igtexas #harvest2017 #agrowlife

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如想欣賞更多攝影師 Micah Horn 的作品,可看看他的 Instagram

Via DIY Photography