目前在 Instagram 上已有十億用戶,要從中突圍而出實在不是易事,攝影師都要多花心思去創作與別不同的作品才能吸引更多追蹤者。最近外國攝影資訊網站 Fstoppers 介紹了 IG上 9 位各具特色的人像女攝影師,給大家帶來更多靈感。
(1)Kate Woodman
Kate Woodman 有「色彩大師」之稱,善於在照片中運用鮮艷色彩,創作奪目的畫面。
(2)Lindsay Adler
Lindsay Adler 擅長拍攝時裝、美妝作品,照片的光線和用色都十分大膽前衛。
(3)Elaine Torres
Elaine Torres 的風格簡約,貫徹「Less is more」的理念。
(4)Sue Bryce
Sue Bryce 善於拍攝女性自信、充滿魅力的一面。此外,她有在網上開設人像攝影教學,詳情可參閱她的個人網站。
(5)Donatella Nicolini
Donatella Nicolini 擅長拍攝準媽媽懷著寶寶時的美麗一面。
(6)Bella Kotak
Bella Kotak 的照片風格瑰麗,加上高超的後製技巧,令人目不暇給。
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As a fledgling creator, I didn’t start taking myself seriously until 2014 when I created a picture of a sleeping nymph surrounded by flowers. That picture for me was a step into something new, something special, a world where I controlled the content, where I could explore my love of spring, of femininity, of fairytales, of flowers, of enchantment. It’s what most of you guys know me for and it’s a world I’ve escaped into over and over again, at first to distract myself from a career that wasn’t my calling, and later to experience and immerse myself in the wonders of the natural world and collaborate with artists whom I admire and who are as passionate about their craft as I am mine. . For my latest picture I wanted to step outside of my comfort zone once more, to push myself to create something that captured and symbolised this moment in my life as well as reconnect to the magic that I felt in that little shoot back in 2014. . As a new romantic love blossomed in my own personal life, I found myself growing as a person, as a girlfriend, as a business partner, as a best friend, and as of this year, a fiancee. . Up until now all my pictures featured solo feminine characters blossoming into their own, from sleeping nymphs to warrior queens. The growth of the characters quietly mirror my internal evolution into womanhood while at the same time drawing us into their world. . It was time to add another dynamic. . Check out how this picture was created, along with BTS of the day and a Photoshop timelapse, in the blog post! (Link in bio ) . Models: @mariaamanda_official & @jeremymoineau Retouching: myself and @solsticeretouch Dress and headpiece: @agnieszkaosipa Assisting: @solsticeretouch and Scarlett
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(7)Brooke Shaden
Brooke Shaden 喜歡創作如夢境般的自攝像,描繪生命中最黑暗脆弱的時刻。
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“The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.” ― Julia Cameron ~ Link to this photo shoot in my bio ~ I really struggled when I read this. I thought to myself, “No, control is at the heart of great creativity. To be in control means you have mastered your craft.” But the thought kept nagging at me – what is control, particularly if the thing you have nailed down is constantly changing? Can creativity ever be controlled if it is never sedentary? That was when I began to connect more and more with creativity as surrender. I thought about my own creative journey over the past year – watched how I’ve chased it and chased it, never settling in a place that I feel comfortable with. Control. I love to think I have it. I thrive when I am in control. But the reality is that if there wasn’t a chase, would I even care? I don’t think so. For me, creativity is a constant tug of war. It beckons me to chase, and I dare to catch it. Only for a moment do I hold it in my hands, firm, and I understand it. But moments later, it is gone, and I run again. This image feels like that to me. Being controlled by the constant motion of creativity, not the other way around…connecting me, grounding me, guiding me. What are your thoughts on creativity? Is it surrender or control?
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(8)Monica Lazar
Monica Lazar 透過一系列的自攝像,創造一個個獨特的畫面。
(9)Annie Mitova
Annie Mitova 的作品充滿夢幻柔美的感覺,模特兒在她鏡頭下化身成夢想中的女神。
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Source:Top Nine Female Portrait Photographers You Need to Follow on Instagram in 2018