
昨天是「911 恐襲事件」18 週年,阿爾蓋達組織在 2001 年 9 月 11日劫持 4 架民航客機,撞向紐約世界貿易中心雙塔和五角大廈,造成 2,749 人喪生或失蹤,悲劇至今仍是不少人心中的慘痛回憶,美國每年都會舉辦悼念活動,亦有不少網民會貼出照片表達哀痛,但 Insider 網站卻發現,有多個 IG 紅人假借悼念之名貼相賣廣告。

不少 KOL 們昨天貼照片時在 caption 寫著「永不忘記」、「懷念犠牲者」、「為紐約人感到自豪」等等,並加上 #911 標籤及心碎 emoji。不過,照片看到的卻是,她們的開心笑臉和擺好姿勢拍的穿搭照,甚至還為身上衣服 tag 了各品牌的帳號:

由於圖文極為不符,又加了各品牌的標籤,很多網民質疑這班 KOL 只是藉著 911 事件「抽水」。擁有 3.5 萬粉絲的 Sara Quiriconi 是其中一名貼照片悼念 911 的 IG 紅人,她回應 Insider 時表示,她認為 911 是展示友情和尊重的機會,所以貼出自己到訪紐約照片,包括在酒店房做瑜伽(tag 了酒店和瑜伽班),和在紀念碑拍的照片。

Sara Quiriconi 的 IG post:


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Some days, you’ll never forget. These are TWO of those days 👇🏽 #neverforget #911 #newyorkcity ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We all remember where we were on that day. Emotions and Impact leave a forever memory in our minds. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I remember I was getting furniture and accessories for my dorm room, one after another happened. The tragedy deepening, the fear increasing. Nothing memorable to what I was doing, shopping for a Twin XL comfortable and a hot plate. But, the emotion that poured over from hearing the events on the radio are was imprinted that moment into my brain for a lifetime. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Similar to a cancer diagnosis, you never forget, but you get stronger (to survivors) and thrive on. You learn from, strengthen, grow, and RISE — together, always better. Or “JUNTOS es la palabra clave” as mi amor @r90d.tv likes to share. 💛 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It’s true, in tragedy, together is stronger than ONE. The same goes for joyous times too! The emotion builds, the world can unite, and former boundaries are forgotten in a human need to connect, sharing love. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Throwback to some New York City pics, from the @clubquartershotel World Trade Center, along with some recap #worldtradecenter pics in the carousel. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ YOU 👊🏽 Do you share a moment in time memory like one of these examples? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🎥 Sharing more tonight in the LIVE FREE TV LIVE (linked in bio) 7p over on Facebook. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #ilovenyc #911memorial #wellneswednesday #wellnesswarrior #yogapose #travelyogi #wellnessleader #fitnessforlife #travelwell #welltravelled #wellnessretreat #wellnesswarrior #transformativetravel ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #transformationaltravel #experiencemore #travellife #healthytraveler #healthytraveling #healthytraveltips #healthytravelers #healthytravels #travelhealthy #traveltips #fitnesstravel #thinkdifferent

A post shared by Sara Quiriconi (@livefreewarrior) on

近年有不少名人(主要是女性)都會利用圖文不符的 post 來引起大家對時事的關注,例如台灣的雞排妹在數年前就曾只戴領帶自拍,呼籲粉絲「去投票」,到了近期的反送中運動,本港也有 KOL 貼性感照呼籲網民遊行。到底這種做法是創新,還是借政治為自己塑造民主女神形象呢?原本政治冷感的網民開心看完照片之後,又是否真的會行動?抑或大家覺得貼照片的動機不要緊,最重要的是能夠引起關注?


韓國藝人金義聖拍照聲援爆眼少女,啟發網民發起 #Eye4HK 照片活動

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