
伊朗,是世上唯一可以合法出售腎臟的國家,攝影師 Francesco Alesi  的作品「Kidney for Sale」,紀錄了當地一個等待腎臟移植的患者的故事。

伊朗有一個「Rewarded Gifting」制度,國家會對賣賢者發出大概 400 歐羅左右(約 HKD 3400 )的現金捐助獎勵,並會有一年的醫療保險。這制度於 1997 年通過,兩年後輪候腎臟移植者幾乎消失(資料來源:The Iranian model of living renal transplantation)。而這類的「Rewarded Gifting」,主要都是私人交易(即是價錢由買賣相方自行協議)。


Ghaffar Naghdi 是一個年輕的伊朗男子,24 歲。已經患有六年腎功能衰竭,迫使他每個星期都要進行三次的透析治療。當人們在慶祝阿舒拉節時,他只能在醫院等待腎移植手術。

Kidney for Sale

62 kidneys and 62 ads written in marker on the walls of a hospital. 62 people in Iran had blood compatible with that of Ghaffar Naghdi, a young man of 24, son of a peasant family in southern Iran that sold his lands to buy a kidney. After months of research he found Narin, a girl of 29 in urgent need of money. Iran is the only country in the world where trade in kidneys is legal. Each year about 1,400 Iranians, aged between 18 and 35, sell one of their kidneys because they need money. A kidney costs between two and five thousand euro, depending on the age and health of the seller, while an average salary is € 350 per month. Money aside, finding a kidney in Iran is easy. One just has to choose from the thousands of ads written with marker on the walls of hospitals and call directly the seller to start bargaining. The price varies depending on the demand and supply of kidneys, which in turn is influenced by the price of oil. Iran's economy is based on exports of crude oil. When the price per barrel goes down, the entire nation is impoverished. Many Iranians have lost their jobs because of the recent decline in oil prices. Thousands have decided to sell a kidney, generating excess supply and lowering the price. In 2009, while young people his age were protesting against the re-election of Ahmadinejad, Ghaffar had an infection that damaged both of his kidneys. From that day, he undergoes three dialysis sessions per week. Narin is the person who will sell her kidney to Ghaffar. She's a Kurdish girl who lives in the northwest of Iran. Both she and her husband are unemployed. They need money to get by until the crisis caused by oil prices will end. The transplant takes place in a public hospital on November 15, 2014. Three weeks later Ghaffar will die because of rejection. Caption: The sale of kidneys occurs through ads left by the young vendors on the walls of the hospitals where the transplants take place, or else through newspaper advertisements. The ads highl

在伊朗的醫院裡面,有成千上萬關於賣腎的告示和廣告,賣腎的年齡上限為 35 歲,愈接近這年紀,價錢就會被壓得愈低。

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Ghaffar Naghdi (左)正在進行洗腎,每週三次,每次要三小時左右。

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Kidney for Sale


Kidney for Sale

Ghaffar Naghdi 夢想成為一名教師,但因為這個病令他不能不放棄,這些年來,他的目的就是找到適合的腎。他曾遇到 72 個血型適合的捐助者,卻因為其他測試沒法吻合、或因對方的健康問題,沒法進行手術。「一年前,我找到一個捐助者,通過了所有的測試,可是他在手術三天前帶著錢逃走了。這讓我非常絕望。」

幾個月後,他看到一名女子 Narin 的告示,最後以 1500 萬伊朗幣(約 HKD 3880)成交。這價錢等於公務員的兩年薪金。「我們賣了家裡所有的土地。」他的父親說,在居所跟兒子之間選擇了兒子的健康,但這之後的生活也是很大問題。

Kidney for Sale


Kidney for Sale

Kidney for Sale

Kidney for Sale



另一名在醫院的病患 Hasan-Ali Alidadi, 63 歲在床上伸出他的手。他是一名糖尿病患,進行了二十年的透析治療。

Kidney for Sale


Kidney for Sale

Kidney for Sale

Kidney for Sale

Kidney for Sale

剛完成手術的 Ghaffar Naghdi。

捐腎者 Narin(是假名,因為她不想家人和丈夫知道自己賣腎),在醫院慢慢走路,剛做完捐腎手術的人,需要在醫院休養一星期左右。

Kidney for Sale

Kidney for Sale

另一方面的 Ghaffar Naghdi ,則要留院觀察兩星期,他是伊朗於 2014 年中,1400 個從活人上得到腎臟移植的其中一人。

Kidney for Sale

Kidney for Sale

Kidney for Sale

手術後,Ghaffar Naghdi 終於能夠開始思考當老師的事情。

Kidney for Sale



不幸的是,攝影師拍攝完的一個月後,Ghaffar Naghdi 對於新的腎臟產生排斥反應死亡。一些人把他連同 Narin 的腎臟埋到地底下。

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