用 iPad 來拍照在網路是個被嘲笑的行為,但如果用它來拍電影、拍短片呢?iPad 乘著奧斯卡金像獎此大事,推出新廣告,主題圍繞拍攝電影,內容找來不同高中生,正以 iPad 來拍不同項目,並有大導演馬田‧史高西斯 (Martin Scorsese) 作獨白,大家可以看看如下 (可開字幕)︰

重點 Tagline 是「Every scene is a lesson. Every shot is a school. Let the learning continue.」


Dreaming is a way of trivializing the process of the obsession that carries you through the failure as well as the successes, which could be harder to get through.

If you’re dreaming, you’re sleeping, and that’s important and imperative to always be awake to your feelings, your possibilities, your ambitions. But you also know this; for your work, for your passion, every day is a rededication.

這個廣告是 Apple 與 LA County High School 合作,由一些同學以 iPad 拍片,然後拍下他們的 BTS 成為廣告影片。Apple 過往亦多次乘著奧斯卡推出新廣告,例如以下 2007 年的第一個 iPhone 廣告,亦是乘奧斯卡熱潮而來,剪輯一系列電影畫面來製作︰

有興趣了解整個項目的話,可以按此瀏覽 Apple 網站

via Fstoppers via The Verge