「他們很嘔心。」攝影師 Donna Pinckley 指出,雖然美國容許跨種族婚姻,已有接近半個世紀的歷史,但是美國社會距離完全接受這種伴侶,還有很遠的路要走。在其作品「Sticks and Stones」裏,拍攝了一系列不同類型的跨種族伴侶及家庭,並且手寫下他們所面對的各種仇恨言論,人類的偏見與無知,部份令人心寒。
Why are you with her?
What are you doing hanging out with that nxxxxxx?
Don’t like black women?
You must like milky way
I told you a black woman lived with a white man in that house!
There are other black girls out there.
I’ll bet your parents are really proud of you.
All she wants from you is a green card. (很典型對於中國 / 華裔女性嫁過去美國的評語)
Wouldn’t you rather date someone your own race?
If she can’t use your comb, don’t bring her home!
No other man will ever want you.
We live in the South, so don’t expect to be able to bring him around family.
Look at you taking another one of our good black men.