集結多名國外內攝影師的 IG「@eyesonchinaproject」,展示豐富角度的中國紀實
當了 Getty Images 攝影師 25 年的 Kevin Frayer 於兩年前搬到中國,沒意料到會走到一個如此複雜的地方。「中國獨特得讓人難以置信。」他指這是一個能夠創造視覺敘事、有豐富材料的國家。於是他找到一些同樣在中國工作的外國攝影師,如替法新社工作的法國攝影記者 Fred Dufour,並開了一個 Instagram 帳號 @eyesonchinaproject 上傳他們拍攝的照片,目前攝影師已經增加到至少 19 人。
Kevin Frayer 說,以外國人的角度去看中國,對於當地人來說是很特別的,因為他們總能道出一些截然不同的觀點,並可以增加討論的機會。
Cupping session at a Sunday market in a eastern suburb of Beijing. Photo by Martina Albertazzi @martinaalbertazzi. 北京东郊的一个周日集市上的拔火罐区域。 #Beijing #China #asia #photojournalism #photography #traditionalmedicine A photo posted by eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) on
A vendor at a small textile market in Beijing plays with her phone while waiting for customers. Photo by @martinaalbertazzi 在北京一个布料市场,一个摊主在等待顾客时趴在布料堆上玩手机。#Beijing #China #asia #photography #photojournalism #portrait A photo posted by eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) on
Painting of the Xi Jinping in Dafeng village in Shenzhen, where 60% of worlds oil paintings are made. Photographer @matjaztancic 大芬,近60%在全世界流通油画来自这里 #oil #painting #Dafeng #Shenzhen #China #copy #art #painter #xijinping #xi #president A photo posted by eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) on
Its kindergarden’s graduation ceremony. Kids were crying as the finished there last performance on stage. Farewell my little buddy. Photo by @liuxingzhe 刘行喆 图 2016年6月,上海,孩子们在幼儿园的毕业典礼上嚎啕大哭,他们即将进入小学。再见,小伙伴们。 #shanghai #kids #school #kindergardengraduation #kindergarden #farewell A photo posted by eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) on
A visitor uses his mobile phone to take a photo of an art work of Chinese former leader Mao Zedong during the exhibition of fine arts works to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party at the National Museum of China in Beijing city, China, 30 June 2016. The 95th anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party will fall on 01 July 2016. 2016年6月30日,中国北京国家博物馆。庆祝中国共产党成立95周年全国美术作品展上,一个参观者在用手机拍摄一副毛泽东的美术作品。2016年7月1日,是中国共产党成立95周年。 Photo by Wu Hong @wuhongphoto 摄影师: 吴宏 #beijing #china #maozedong A photo posted by eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) on
Cleaning up after a flood in Zhengzhou. Much of Northern China has experienced torrential rain over the past week. 在郑州,洪水以后。Photograph by @christophcherry A photo posted by eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) on
如果想看更多,可以追蹤他們的 IG:@eyesonchinaproject
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