網上攝影雜誌 COOPH 早前發佈了新影片「How To Up Your Instagram Game」,請來了在 Instagram 上 (@chrisburkard) 有 200 萬名追隨者的攝影師 Chris Burkard 分享心得,講解如何讓你的社群有更大發展,看以下 3 分半鐘短片,不少也相當實用,值得參考︰

以下就是 16 個秘訣的撰要︰

#1 Only posting selfies is zzz… Go on adventures and look for great light (純自拍很悶,去尋找好的光線更重要)
#2 Use hyper lapse app and get speedy (使用坊間常見的 Hyperlapse / Timelpase app)
#3 Keep it chill with slow-motion (慢動作影片也很不錯)
#4 Keep it consistent: Same look & feel, Same themes (風格要一致)
#5 Use editing apps like VSCO & Snapseed (使用 VSCO / Snapseed 修圖)


#6 Focus on telling a great story, write a great caption (重點是照片要有故事、有好的附註)
#7 Add a location to your photo for higher engagement (標示照片的拍攝位置,會增加 79% 的 engagement)
#8 Only use relevant hashtags (太多 hashtag 並沒有用)
#9 Use Instagram Stories to engage with your audience (使用 Stories 功能)
#10 Search hashtags you love and drop likes & follows (搜尋你喜歡的 Hashtag 然後留言)
#11 If you comment, most people will check out your account (在別人的照片留下有意義的留言,會吸引到別人來看你的帳戶)


#12 Look out for accounts that regram (like @thecooph)
#13 Share your instagram handle everywhere (e-signature, website etc.)
#14 Stop monkeying around with #followback
#15 Stop ghost following
#16 Don’t steal other people’s photos, get out their and take your own (偷圖是最不該的了)


這段影片很不錯啊,照片也很精彩,如想欣賞攝影師更多作品,可前往其 Instagram︰@chrisburkard

至於 COOPH 的影片,之前也有不少值得觀看,大家可重溫部份如下︰

攝影師 Thomas Leuthard 即學即用 23 個街拍心得與技巧

3 分鐘速學旅遊攝影實用、另類、創意小貼士大集合

關於攝影的 13 句意想不到之有趣「事實」