爸爸分享到所謂「Man Zone」,無論一張床尺寸有多大,但他一定會被逼到床邊最後的 8 吋闊度,而女兒們就會睡到好像海星一樣……

Is it only me or do all men learn to sleep on an 8 inch strip at the edge of the bed? Irrespective of the size of the bed, or how many people are in it, I always find myself relegated to the 'man zone'. I've become so used to sleeping on this limited area of bed real estate, that I'm confident that I could sleep on top of a wall & not fall off. On the other side of the bed (the promised land), @mother_of_daughters sleeps like a star fish all night long, kneeing me in the back and generally complains about me coming to bed too late, being too cold or my foot encroaching onto her territory. At least the bed's nice and warm, even if the reception isn't sometimes! I hope that next Sunday, on #NationalLieInDay, I'll not only gain another hour in bed, but more space – but it's doubtful ! If you want to regain that hour (and some space for that matter) click in the link in my bio, loads of great prizes to be won @SimbaSleep #bedrealestate #livingontheedge #girls #twins #daughters #therestoomanygirls #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #gopro

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如果是在 FB 或 IG 上的父母們,通常分享的家庭照片,都是幸福快樂溫馨瞬間吧?不過近年來,也有越來越多父母,認為這並不足夠,因為真正的父母生活,其實有苦有樂,有幸福也有辛勞,例如今次介紹來自倫敦的爸爸 Simon Hooper,他有四個女兒,照片正是相當現實的生活影像,其 Instagram @father_of_daughters 目前已有 16 萬跟隨者呢。

這位爸爸的女兒分別是 9 歲、6 歲及 10 個月大的孖女,在他的照片中,很多都是日常的照片,加上很多真實及有共鳴感的幽默附註,於是吸引了相當多粉絲。部份可看看這裏︰


Another monday, another last minute rush to the shops to avoid the armageddon I.e running out of nappies, wipes & baby crack (milk) for the addicts. I basically live in this aisle of the supermarket now. New parents seem to gravitate to me as an "experienced parent" (i.e. the tired looking guy shivering in the corner) and ask "do you know where so and so is please?" My reponse – "Sure 3rd shelf, half way down on the left hand side, buy 3 & get a discount,although you want to use that in combination with blah blah blah." I'm like a walking encyclopaedia of baby product info. I used to use my brain to solve global corporate wide problems. I now use it to calculate bulk buy discounts. #ishouldgetanamebadge #bogofking #iliveherenojoke #dadbrain #lifeinthefastlane #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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大女兒正在學校接受性教育,還問爸爸關於男性的性事宜……他已經很老實回答了,但女兒還是會問「你會戴安全套嗎?」「但為甚麼還會生這麼多小孩?」「你有四個女兒 (3 sets),代表做過三次愛嗎?」之類……

This week my eldest has been doing sex education at school. Shes very mature about it & having a midwife as a mum, they know a lot more than your average kid, no 'front bottoms' or 'nunnys' in this house, it's strictly a 'vagina' affair (which coincidently would be a great title for a drama series on TV) That said, she's chosen tonight (when @mother_of_daughters is away) to ask questions about men which makes me feel like an embarrassed child, but i promised to tell her the truth. My personal favourites – "do you wear a condom daddy?" Me – "Yes". Then why do you have so many children? Touchè. "Have you and mummy had sex more than 3 times?" I laughed proudly – "Way more……like at least 9 or 10 times" ( I didn't want to come across as a sex crazied maniac). Can wait to until she asks if I've ever masturbated…..I will actually curl up in a ball and die #sexeducation #shestheadultimthechild #sheknowsmorethanme #dontaskaboutmasturbationorilldie #ivedoneitloads #fatherofdaughters #instadad #dadlife #parenting

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Someone call crime watch! I took this picture of a guy getting mugged in broad day light today. The 2 confidence tricksters are known in the local area and ply their trade by pretending to love their victims and then, when their guard is down, scratching their faces to pieces, pulling their hair and dribbling on them until they are given milk or rice cakes. The suspects are described as looking exactly the same, to the degree that their father cant tell them apart. They are around 2.5 ft tall, talk with a strange accent and are incredibly cute. Some previous victims had said they smell like a childrens play centre toilets but that has yet to be confirmed. #muggedbybabies #twins #parentinginjuries #thelmaandlouiseinthemaking #callcrimewatch #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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why is it that as soon as I come through the front door, I'm immediately forced to strap on my 'parenting UN' flack jacket & hard hat and dive into conflict resolution mode? Anya and Marnie are locked in a long, drawn out battle over the disputed lands of the sofa, the sovereignty of the blanket and who has rightful ownership of the much sort after SKY remote control. Sanctions are put in place to relieve the tension but both sides are showing little willingness to back down. The situation escalates – heated worded, threats to hostages safety (soft toys, clothing, sweets). The result – the TV going off and remote is hidden (in the cutlery draw). During all this Ottie played the role of Switzerland and didn't get involved. Ban Ki-moon could learn a thing or two from me. #wheredoyouhideyourremote #UNparenting #whyamialwaysinthemiddle #familyconflictresolution #adadsworkisneverdone #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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So after 2 hours of prep work (I'm quite the master of makeup these days), we went into the night to knock on random people's doors and essentially force them to hand over sweets. If you're wondering, Anya is Mary queen of Scots, Marnie is a cat, I'm the scariest thing of all – a father of 4 daughters on the edge of sanity after a stupidly early wake up this morning – ffrreeeaaakkkyy! After an hour of walking around, we turned for home with 1 kilo of sugar (some of which were obviously left over sweets from last year) that will no doubt keep the kids up for hours to come. oh the joy. Happy Halloween all. #wifeysavedthedaywiththecostumes #doesthisnotcountasrobbery #halloween #toomuchsugar #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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There used to be a time when Fridays nights meant going out drinking with friends and waking up with a hangover that that would require surgery to remove. However Marnie came home today with the dreaded bi-annual "There are nits / lice going around at school" letter, so our Friday nights are now spent carrying out small scale genocide on colonies of unwanted scalp intruders. @mother_of_daughters & I will now spend the rest of the evening quietly observing each other to see which one of us start scratching our heads first whilst mentally cursing all children everywhere. Awesome. #betteryoustartscratchingafterreadingthis #fridaynightarentwhattheyusedtobe #parenting #keepingitreal #nits #dotheyevenhaveapurpose #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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Despite their best efforts, Ottie and Delilah failed miserably in stowing away in my case. Even for them, this was a poor effort and was never going to work. Dont take up smuggling girls – youd definitely be a feature of one of those awful airport customs TV shows. As a last ditch attempt to stop me going to the Philippines to work for a week, they gummed the crap out of my passport and air miles cards but with little effect. Ive learnt my lesson and double checked that I had infact packed clean underwear and not a 4 pack of muslins like last time (that was an awkward couple of days in New York). Shout out to my wonderful wife @mother_of_daughters for doing this coming week solo. I love you. Think positive and be patient. You'll smash it. #dontbecomesmugglers #ifidontcomehomewithpresentsimdead #twins #mygirls #businesstravel #workingaway #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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The twins now get everywhere at the speed of light and with the silence of a assassin who got an A* in being quiet and sneaky. I took my eye off them for 1 minute and before i knew it they were doing bare handed maintenance on my bike chain. If there's one thing @mother_of_daughters hates, its oil, and the twins were covered in it. As was the floor. And the wall and the glass doors. The torrent of language that came out mouth turned the air blue. Guess that's the last time Im allowed to keep my bike inside. I'll be relegated to the shed with my bike tonight (after bathing the twins in swarfega). Tarpaulin Duvet anyone? #oilalwaysgetsmeintrouble #alot #ninjatwins #ifeeladivorcecomingon #twins #swarfegasavestheday #shedbound #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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Teething is now in full effect and the girls want us to know all about it. An email would have sufficed but it seems they'd rather use their voices to get the message across that they really aren't enjoying this stage of development. Its not straight screaming, it's more like the sound a wounded animal might make that just wants to end it all. I can't blame them though, it's like a mini scene from 'Alien' in there at the moment, just in very very slow motion (and of course teeth don't then go on to kill you and the crew of your ship so a few subtle differences but essentially the same). #canyoubulkbuybonjela #teethinglikealien #twins #thisisntfunforanyone #doubleteethingisnotdoublethefun #fatherofdaughters #instadad #dadlife #daddydentist

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如有興趣瀏覽更多,可到其 IG 帳號 @father_of_daughters

另外原來他的妻子 (也就是四個女兒的媽媽),也有一個呢︰@mother_of_daughters



via Huffington Post