攝影師拍下馬爾他名勝 – 藍窗 (Azure Window) 的最後影像
曾經引來許多攝影師及旅人慕名之來的馬爾他名勝 – 藍窗 (Azure Window)於2017年3月8日倒塌了,攝影師 Gilbert Vancell 碰巧為它拍下了最後的影像。

權力遊戲(Game of Thrones) 也曾經到此取景
Gilbert Vancell:「當時從新聞知道當地的天氣預報,所以打算去拍下浪濤中的藍窗,我3月8日的傍晚到達戈佐島(Dwejra),打算四處走走拍攝風暴。當時的風浪已經相當強,強到我根本靠近不了藍窗,我的單反也應付不了這種狂暴的天氣。」(I had seen the local weather forecast and planned to captured some images of the Azure Window with the rough sea, so I went to Dwejra on the evening of March 7th after going around Gozo shooting the storm. The wind and sea were so strong that I couldn’t get as close as I’m used to. Even shooting with a DSLR was impossible in those conditions.)
Gilbert 當時也帶上了一台GoPro架在腳架上拍低了影像,當天的風實在太強,在此種嚴苛的拍攝環境下,他也慶幸他帶上了GoPro,但他也要把整個人的重量都壓在腳架上才讓腳架不被風吹走。
via: PetaPixel