柯達進出了一個自家菲林App 為菲林迷提供一些好用的貼士
身為菲林迷的你,無論怎樣都好你一定會使用柯達出的菲林吧,柯達剛剛推出了了一個自家iPhone App,讓用戶從了解他們所生產的菲林(噢,原來還在生產)的特性及用途,揀選了合適的菲林後,還有相關購買及沖菲林的地方建議。
(小編問)到底什麼才算是「Advanced amateurs」高級菜鳥呀!
“This app brings together the answers to some of the most asked questions we receive about our films – ‘Where can I buy it?’ ‘How should I shoot it?’ ‘Who can develop it?’” said Dennis Olbrich, General Manager, Film, Paper & Output Systems and Vice President, Consumer Business, Eastman Kodak Company.
「這個App是為了解答一些攝影人經常問的問題,例如哪裡可以買得到? 這支菲林應該怎樣用才好? 哪裡可以沖曬? 等等」
“We wanted to give photographers of all levels a resource, literally right at their fingertips, that helps them find film and recommendations about how to maximize each film’s performance. In addition, this app also provides information where customers can find film development services, so that no matter where photographers are, they can find a lab that uses KODAK Chemicals and Paper to bring their photography to life.”