The Paramount Theatre I, Oakland, California
曾有人預言過,電影院將會息微,因為越來越多人留在家中,只會在電腦屏上看電影。但事實證明,不少人還是喜愛進戲院,畢竟那裏的氣氛是不同的,屏幕又大,音響又強勁,不是所謂「家庭影院」可以代替。不過攝影師 Franck Bohbot 走訪美國加州多個戲院,卻並非為了看戲,而是拍下一個個場地的對稱而華麗之建築,看來就像是古劇院改裝而成的戲院,保留著富麗堂皇的裝修,不愧是荷理活的所在之處,連影院都加倍厲害。(當然有些仍然是劇場)
The Paramount Theatre II, Oakland, California
TCL Chinese Theatre I, Hollywood, California
TCL Chinese Theatre II, Hollywood, California
The Crest Westwood I, Los Angeles
The Crest Westwood II, Los Angeles
El Capitan, Disney Theatre, Los Angeles
The Four Star Theatre II, San Francisco
The Castro Theatre, San Francisco
Egyptian Theater, American Cinematheque, Los Angeles
Orinda Theatre I, Orinda
Alameda Theater I, Alameda, California
The Fox Theater I, Oakland
The Fox Theater II, Oakland
The Grand Lake Theatre II, Oakland, California
Orinda II, California
Brava Theatre, San Francisco
The Grand Lake Theater I, Oakland
Cinema (via My Modern Met)