
當了 Getty Images 攝影師 25 年的 Kevin Frayer 於兩年前搬到中國,沒意料到會走到一個如此複雜的地方。「中國獨特得讓人難以置信。」他指這是一個能夠創造視覺敘事、有豐富材料的國家。於是他找到一些同樣在中國工作的外國攝影師,如替法新社工作的法國攝影記者 Fred Dufour,並開了一個 Instagram 帳號 @eyesonchinaproject 上傳他們拍攝的照片,目前攝影師已經增加到至少 19 人。

Kevin Frayer 說,以外國人的角度去看中國,對於當地人來說是很特別的,因為他們總能道出一些截然不同的觀點,並可以增加討論的機會。


Rainy Saturday, a group of middle school tourists just finish their visiting of Tsing Hua university. Tsing Hua is the best science and engineering university in China mainland. Many Communist Party leaders graduated from Tsing Hua, including former President Hu Jin Tao and current President Xi Jin Ping. This famous university turns to a increasingly popular tourist attraction of Beijing. 周六有雨,一个中学生旅行团结束了参观访问,走出清华大学。清华是中国大陆最好的理工大学,也是多位党和政府领导人的母校,包括前国家主席胡锦涛和现领导人习近平。清华日益变成北京的旅游热点。photo by @lbwsmail @eyesonchinaproject is a new @instagram collaboration of photojournalists and documentary photographers living and working in mainland China. The primary goal of the project is to create a diverse, dynamic and objective view of the world’s most populated country through the images and storytelling of both Chinese and foreign photographers. The work of each contributor is self-curated and presented the way they would like you to see it. All images are copyright of the photographer. @eyesonchinaproject 是@Instagram 上的一个全新的集体纪实项目。在中国生活、工作的一群中外摄影师将竭力以多样、生动、客观的图片讲述中国的故事。 每一组作品都由摄影师自己挑选编排。图片版权为摄影师所有。 #China #Asia #photojournalism #photography #beijingtourism #Tsinghua

A photo posted by eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) on

Guangxi province, China, 2012. Like many children with autism, Ke Jun has some extremely personal habits, such as mysophobia – he couldn’t touch the leaked acrylic paint while painting. He could also spend an entire afternoon watching trains to go by. Some such behaviours were misunderstood as “quirks”, but they had became a natural and unique way for his family to understand Ke Jun’s inner world. Since 2012, Li Jie Zhang and the Innocent Project focused on artists who have mental disabilities in mainland China. www.zhanglijie.com (Photo by: ZHANG Lijie @vincentsop) 柯均(自闭症),中国广西,2012。像很多自闭症孩子一样,柯均有一些很特别的小习惯,比如洁癖,画画时有漏出来的颜料,他是死活也不肯碰的,再比如看火车,一看就是一个下午。他的这些刻板行为在旁人看来不可理解,在妈妈眼中却既特别又很自然,是了解柯均内心世界的一种途径。从2012年起,张立洁开始拍摄精神障碍艺术家,尝试着用个人化的摄影语言展现他们独特的内心世界。 www.zhanglijie.com (摄影师: ZHANG Lijie @vincentsop) @eyesonchinaproject is a new @instagram collaboration of photojournalists and documentary photographers living and working in mainland China. The primary goal of the project is to create a diverse, dynamic and objective view of the world’s most populated country through the images and storytelling of both Chinese and foreign photographers. The work of each contributor is self-curated and presented the way they would like you to see it. All images are copyright of the photographer. @eyesonchinaproject 是@Instagram 上的一个全新的集体纪实项目。在中国生活、工作的一群中外摄影师将竭力以多样、生动、客观的图片讲述中国的故事。 每一组作品都由摄影师自己挑选编排。图片版权为摄影师所有。 #China #Asia #photojournalism #photography #autism #painting #art #artist #care A photo posted by eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) on

A couple looks at a map during a heavy rain in beijing on July 3 2015. 7月3日,一对情侣在北京一场大雨里查看地图。 photo by @freddufour_afp @eyesonchinaproject is a new @instagram collaboration of photojournalists and documentary photographers living and working in mainland China. The primary goal of the project is to create a diverse, dynamic and objective view of the world’s most populated country through the images and storytelling of both Chinese and foreign photographers. The work of each contributor is self-curated and presented the way they would like you to see it. All images are copyright of the photographer. @eyesonchinaproject 是@Instagram 上的一个全新的集体纪实项目。在中国生活、工作的一群中外摄影师将竭力以多样、生动、客观的图片讲述中国的故事。 每一组作品都由摄影师自己挑选编排。图片版权为摄影师所有。 #China #Asia #photojournalism #photography #beijing

A photo posted by eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) on

Serious food safety issues in recent years have undermined Chinese people’s trust in food, in a country known for its long agricultural history. Mr. Sun, a former teacher and businessman, is an organic farm owner here in Heilongjiang Province in China. He has a faith in organic farming, which means zero pesticide use and a daily cost of RMB 100 – 200 for manual weeding. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is overseeing the work of farmers in the near distance. 中国作为一个农业大国,面临严重的食品安全问题。这块土地的承包商孙某曾当过教师、下海做过生意,后皈依,在地里竖了地藏王菩萨。他认为有机农业是解决很多问题的关键,地里不用化肥农药,不杀生,人工割杂草需要每人每天100到200元不等的费用。Photo by @zhounaphoto for Greenpeace

A photo posted by eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) on

如果想看更多,可以追蹤他們的 IG:@eyesonchinaproject


拍攝中國社會議題,新聞攝影師 Kevin Frayer

via time