埃及西北邊境「錫瓦綠洲」(Siwa Oasis)位於埃及西部沙漠中心,交通不便,居民僅約 3.3 萬,被稱為全埃及最孤立的定居點。攝影師 Brendan Donohue 在遊歷埃及時無意發現當地絕美天然鹽湖,拍下的一系列旅行照在網上熱傳,網民讚嘆必需親身去看一次。

錫瓦綠洲距離埃及首都開羅有 560 公里之遠,但卻得天獨厚地擁有大量礦泉與鹽湖,從攝影師拍下的照片可以看見,空曠棕色沙漠上點綴著大大小小的碧綠湖泊,清澈得能看見水底岩石,湖水周邊被白鹽包圍,形成夢幻寧靜的天然美景。




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I must admit, Siwa Oasis is definitely one of the strangest places I’ve ever been. Austin and I took a chance traveling out here from Cairo since we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. But after 2 days of bumpy bus rides, our minds were absolutely blown when we arrived at this strange little village. Floating in these salt lakes was the cherry on top! Shot with help from @mrdivine 😎 . . . . . #fromwhereidrone #egyptair #voyaged #djiglobal #polarpro #visualsofearth #lensbible #uniladadventure #beautifuldestinations #ourplanetdaily #discoverearth #discoverglobe #djinature #earthpix #experienceegypt @experienceegypt #egypttravel #visitegypt #siwaoasis #moodnation #cairo #gizapyramids #cairoscene #egyptology #djicreator #siwa #passionpassport #detoxbath #stayandwander #saltlake #saltbath

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