
一張照片是否色情,取決於影像的內容,還是觀眾的意念?攝影師 Wyatt Neumann 早前帶著兩歲的女兒,於美國進行兩星期的公路旅行,沿途中他為女兒拍攝了不少照片,而 2 歲的孩子有時候不喜歡穿衣服,會喜歡裸著跑來跑去 (這是真的……),攝影師把這些影像也拍攝下來,並放到 Instagram Facebook 等社交平台,結果引發大量網民斥責聲討,並導致有關帳戶因投訴而暫時停止,而攝影師認為這些投訴是錯的。

「”I FEEL SORRY FOR YOUR CHILDREN” The sexualization of innocence in america」是攝影師透過展覽與攝影集對批評的回應,即是說,有問題的作品,是來自於有問題的詮釋,當觀眾心存邪念,那麼父女間純真的攝影,也會變成不可寬恕的兒童色情。


攝影師指出,人們的批評不單指向他這位父親,認為他是在展現色情的影像、把女兒變成性欲對象,也把一些本來無特別的 2 歲小女孩動作,演繹為性行為,例如下圖就被指有如自慰?



“This man is a sick fuck. Why in the world would you do this to your child? Great job, Wyatt Neumann. That poor little girl…”

“He seems like a dick. I want to puke. The nude photos are gross and disturbing.”

“He’s an attention seeking fuck. Wake up, Wyatt, you fucking piece of shit.”

“Every good thing you are and every good thing you do is cancelled out by the fact that you exploit your children. You truly have no right to do this to them.”

“I am a licensed clinical social worker and I work with abused children and adults every day. I have listened to children tell me about their parents selling them for sex to buy drugs, about parents who locked them away in closets for hours at a time without food or water because they wouldn’t stop crying, about parents who beat their children to within an inch of their life, just for being a child. Wyatt, you clearly hold yourself to a higher esteem than those people, but I don’t. You are no better than they are.”

“What a disgusting father.”








整個爭論點還包括了照片應否「放上網」,這也是近年屢屢引起爭議的話題,例如早前「亞歷山大Alexandre 事件」,就是一位台灣母親為台法混血兒子所開設的 Facebook 專頁,她經常把兒子照片甚至出浴照都放到社交平台,同時涉及其他爭議如謀利等。這個議題亦涉及一般父母,他們應否把孩子照片放到 FB?露點的照片又是否不當?

當互聯網充滿著喜歡把照片視為 J 圖的網民,只要涉及女性、肉體、能引起對性或 AV 聯想的衣服、動作,都會被意淫一番的話,這位攝影師的控訴「I FEEL SORRY FOR YOUR CHILDREN」似乎真的可以成立。

via PetaPixel via Huffington Post

(照片經攝影師 Wyatt Neumann 授權刊出,請勿轉載)