
東京電力 (TEPCO) 近日使用新研發的「機械人」,潛進一號發電廠的 3 號機組拍攝,目前公開了有關機械人的設計︰一部電能手機、配 LED 燈、一個 3D 打印出來的機身,可以一邊拍攝,一邊把影像傳回電腦,而且有點像坦克車的移動方式,能夠克服稍為顛簸的路段。


Fukushima- Daiichi: A robot with a smartphone approached Unit3 PCV hatch, expected to provide valuable insightsA small robot with a smartphone was dispatched to a Unit3 PCV hatch for investigation on November 26.The device casing equipped with LED light was created with a 3D printer and run by remote control.The smartphone can turn back and forth by 180 degrees to take images of the ceiling and floor, and go over a 5 cm bump.The data was sent to a PC located at a remote place by a wireless connection.It is expected to provide valuable insights into the appropriate procedures and methodologies required for fuel debris removal.For more information, go to http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/nu/fukushima-np/handouts/2015/images/handouts_151127_01-e.pdf

Posted by Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated (TEPCO) on Friday, November 27, 2015
