

「在世上,我最愛我寶貝的女兒。當我想起她出生的那天,我就忍不住想哭。」緊抱女兒Arpita的Amita Gurung如是說。










「我的學校有很多遊戲,我喜歡去那裡。」厄泊爾地震發生後兩個月,UNICEF的團隊在Akriti Banskota所屬的社區,發現她正處在營養不良的狀態,當時她已經虛弱到不能動、不能說話。幸好,在UNICEF為她提供高營養花生醬後,她開始能夠進食。短短幾個星期後,她已經回復了10%的體重,現在她甚至能夠重新返學。


Samjhana Lamichhane是Akriti的姨姨,她曾說:「我用盡所有方法去幫助她——我十分害怕要把奄奄一息的小孩送回她雙親手中。」

當聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)支援的緊急營養計劃在Samjhana的村落開展後,她的不安終於可以平息。UNICEF伙伴機構社區發展宣傳中心(SDPC)其中一位年輕的醫護專業人員Kriti KC為Akriti診症,她被診斷出患上嚴重營養不良。計劃為Akriti提供高營養花生醬(RUTF)、維他命及微量營養素,這樣Akriti就能直接吸收足夠營養,從營養不良中恢復過來。一星期後,Akriti的體重亦增加一成。

Samjhana Lamichhane lifts her four-year-old niece Akriti Banskota in air in Chapagaun village of Lalitpur, one of the 14 most earthquake affected districts in Nepal. Following the earthquake, a UNICEF-supported nutrition program identified Akriti as being severely malnourished and provided Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), a peanut-based paste mixed with dried skimmed milk, vitamins and minerals, to improve her nutrition status.
© UNICEF/UNI199211/Shrestha

Akriti Banskota, 4, holds out her hands in Chapagaun village of Lalitpur, one of the 14 most earthquake affected districts in Nepal. Following the earthquake, a UNICEF-supported nutrition program identified Akriti as being severely malnourished and provided Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), a peanut-based paste mixed with dried skimmed milk, vitamins and minerals, to improve her nutrition status.
© UNICEF/UNI199208/Shrestha



On 18 January 2016, Laprak village, Gorkha district, Nepal. Laprak is one of the epicenter villages of Gorkha district, where more than 600 hundreds houses were destroyed during earthquake on 25 April 2015. Hundreds of earthquake victims, particularly the elderly and young children living in shelter of highland altitude have been facing a harsh winter season after snowfall.
© UNICEF/UN017150/Shrestha

On 18 January 2016, children in Barpak village, Gorkha district, Nepal. Barpak is an epicenteral village of Gorkha district, where more than 1400 hundreds houses were destroyed during the earthquake on 25 April 2015. Hundreds of earthquake victims, particularly the elderly and young children living in shelter of highland altitude have been facing a harsh winter season after snowfall.
© UNICEF/UN017149/Shrestha

On 16 January 2016, Purni Maya Gurung, aged 69, cooks in the kitchen of her shelter in Gupsi Pakha, in Laprak, in Gorkha district, Nepal. 16 January 2016. Gurung's son, Dhan Bhadur is a only source of income for his five member family, but during April 2015 earthquake he lost his house and also broke his leg, since then he is not able to generate any income for his family. Purni Maya Gurung has received the emergency top-up cash grant provided by UNICEF. Laprak is one of the epicenter villages of Gorkha district, where more than 600 hundreds houses were destroyed during earthquake on 25 April 2015. Hundreds of earthquake victims, particularly the elderly and young children living in shelter of highland altitude have been facing a harsh winter season after snowfall.
© UNICEF/UN017122/Shrestha

On 16 January 2016, Maya Gurung, aged 30, covers her daughter Ritu Gurung, aged 4, to protect from cold wearther after snowfall in Gupsi Pakha, in Laprak, in Gorkha district, Nepal. Gurung's family member Dhan Bhadur is the only source of income for his five members family, but during April earthquake he lost his house and also broke his leg, since then he is not able to generate any income for his family. Gurung;s family member, Purnimaya Gurung, aged 69, the mother of Dhan Bhandur, has received the emergency top-up cash grant provided by UNICEF. Laprak is one of the epicenter villages of Gorkha district, where more than 600 hundreds houses were destroyed during earthquake on 25 April 2015. Hundreds of earthquake victims, particularly the elderly and young children living in shelter of highland altitude have been facing a harsh winter season after snowfall.
© UNICEF/UN017133/Shrestha

On 16 January 2016, Dhan Bhadur Gurung, aged 32, stand on crutches along with his family member at his temporary shelter in Gupsi Pakha, in Laprak, in Gorkha district, Nepal. Dhan Bhadur is the only source of income for his five members family, but during April 2015 earthquake he lost his house and also broke his leg, since then he is not able to generate any income for his family. Purnimaya Gurung, aged 69, a mother of Dhan Bhandur, has received the emergency top-up cash grant provided by UNICEF. Laprak is one of the epicenter villages of Gorkha district, where more than 600 hundreds houses were destroyed during earthquake on 25 April 2015. Hundreds of earthquake victims, particularly the elderly and young children living in shelter of highland altitude have been facing a harsh winter season after snowfall.
© UNICEF/UN017119/Shrestha

On 16 January 2016, Maya Gurung, aged 30, stands in a ray of morning light entering the kitchen of her shelter in Gupsi Pakha, in Laprak, in Gorkha district, Nepal. Gurung's family member, Dhan Bhadur is a only source of income for his five member family, but during April 2015 earthquake he lost his house and also broke his leg, since then he is not able to generate any income for his family. Purnimaya Gurung, aged 69, the mother of Dhan Bhandur, has received the emergency top-up cash grant provided by UNICEF. Laprak is one of the epicenter villages of Gorkha district, where more than 600 hundreds houses were destroyed during earthquake on 25 April 2015. Hundreds of earthquake victims, particularly the elderly and young children living in shelter of highland altitude have been facing a harsh winter season after snowfall.
© UNICEF/UN017142/Shrestha


就尼泊爾大地震一周年,聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)有以下更新,希望您能與 貴網站的訪客分享,令更多人可以了解當地兒童的最新需要:

尼泊爾大地震一周年,160萬名受災學童開始一個新學年。不過,大部分兒童仍在臨時搭建的課室上課。聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)駐尼泊爾代表穗積智生(Tomoo Hozumi)表示:「去年的大地震摧毀逾3.5萬個課室。之後,各方群策群力,盡快讓兒童重返校園,希望將對他們學習的影響減至最低,亦減低他們被疏忽照顧、剝削及受暴力對待的風險。在各方的努力下,災區的學校在首次地震的一個月後逐漸重開,在臨時課室繼續上課。現在,我們的目標是要盡早讓兒童可在安全或永久性的課室學習。」

• 地震後,共有18.9萬人暫時無家可歸,雖然逾85%人已經離開臨時營地,但仍有26,272人仍滯留其中。

• 兒童住在這種臨時及不穩定的環境,令他們容易陷入不同的險境,包括兒童販賣。在2015年4月25日至2016年2月12日期間,警方成功阻截850宗懷疑兒童人口販賣個案和其他與兒童保護相關的危險情況。平均每個月的宗數高達89宗,較2014年7月至2015年7月每月69宗為多。

• 在地震過後,UNICEF與尼泊爾政府及伙伴機構發現及登記39,337宗兒童與家人失散個案,其中,13,317名兒童已獲得緊急支援。



UNICEF HK呼籲支援「災難中的兒童」




l 179,300名兒童受惠於UNICEF支持興建的1,793個臨時學習中心,得以重返學習;

l 為537,801名5歲以下災區兒童注射疫苗,保護他們免受德國麻疹及小兒麻痺症等致命疾病的感染;

l 為11個地震重災區中提供22個臨時收容中心,為11,333名孕產婦在產前及產後提供適切照顧;

l 為1,314,920人提供緊急及長期供水服務;

l 為19個受災地區約43.5萬的弱勢社群派發每人港幣234元(30美元)的緊急現金援助;



l 在9個災區興建74座設備齊全並設有產科病房的防震醫療設施;

l 為3,000個供水系統提供評估、維修及重建服務,以提供清潔食水;

l 興建800個中長期校舍,每所校舍設有2個課室;

l 將學校安全納入2016至2020年的規劃

l 預備第二輪現金援助計劃,為25萬名居於 11個重災區的5歲以下兒童提供支援


以上內容由 UNICEF Hong Kong 提供