大家知道上圖是什麼嗎?遠遠看起來好像石紋,但其實是印度的首都新德里(New Delhi),根據攝影師的資料,那裏約有 1600 萬居民,而照片中的 Uttam Nagar 和 Santosh Park 是人口最密集的地方,也是貧民區。
這個專們以高空拍攝世界各地的帳號 Daily Overview(@dailyoverview )是 Benjamin Grant 在 2013 年開始的 Instagram 計劃。並推出了攝影書《Overview: A New Perspective of Earth》。如果有興趣購買攝影集,可以前往 Amazon,售價為 USD29(約 HKD226),全書 288 頁。
Cars are unloaded and parked at an automobile terminal in Richmond, California, USA. In 2015, 17.5 million cars and light trucks were sold in the United States, raising the total number of registered vehicles in the country to roughly 253 million. /// Created by @benjaminrgrant, source imagery: @nearmap A photo posted by Daily Overview (@dailyoverview) on
The Forbidden City in Beijing, China was built from 1406 until 1420 by more than one million workers. The palace complex, which contains 9,999 rooms, is surrounded by walls and a moat that are 26 feet high and 171 feet wide, respectively. /// Created by @benjaminrgrant, source imagery: @digitalglobe A photo posted by Daily Overview (@dailyoverview) on
Houses, built in concentric circles, make up a section of Sun City, Arizona, USA. When the development opened on January 1, 1960, the event attracted a crowd of more than 100,000 onlookers and the “futuristic development” was featured on the cover of Time magazine. /// Created by @benjaminrgrant, source imagery: @nearmap A photo posted by Daily Overview (@dailyoverview) on
Train cars filled with coal are stationed in Norfolk, Virginia. Operated by the Norfolk Southern corporation, Lamberts Point Pier 6 is the largest coal-loading station in the Northern Hemisphere and serves at the temporary depot for the company’s fleet of 23,000 coal cars. /// Created by @benjaminrgrant, source imagery: @digitalglobe A photo posted by Daily Overview (@dailyoverview) on
The largest aircraft storage and preservation facility in the world is located at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona, USA. The boneyard — run by the 309th Airspace Maintenance and Regeneration Group — contains more than 4,400 retired American military and government aircraft. This incredible image was captured via airplane and is courtesy of our friends @nearmap A photo posted by Daily Overview (@dailyoverview) on
Löyly is a public sauna located on the edge of the Baltic Sea in Helsinki, Finland. The building, constructed with repurposed wood, features a shell-like design that has been described as a “tunturi” – the Finnish word for something in between a hill and a mountain. In total, Finland contains approximately 3.3 million saunas or roughly one per household. This incredible shot was shared with us by @joelmiikka /// See more at @helsinkisauna A photo posted by Daily Overview (@dailyoverview) on
Thousands of trucks and cars surround the Central de Abasto – Mexico City’s largest wholesale market for produce and other foodstuffs. The market serves more than 300,000 people and handles over 30,000 tons of merchandise each day — representing roughly 80% of consumption in the Mexico City metropolitan area. /// Source imagery: @digitalglobe A photo posted by Daily Overview (@dailyoverview) on
Pivot irrigation fields cover the landscape north of Copeland, Kansas, USA. Powered by electric motors, lines of sprinklers rotate 360 degrees to evenly water crops. Source imagery: @digitalglobe A photo posted by Daily Overview (@dailyoverview) on
The Eixample District in Barcelona, Spain is characterised by its strict grid pattern and apartments with communal courtyards. This thoughtful and visionary design was the work of Ildefons Cerdà (1815–1876). His plan features broad streets that widen at octagonal intersections to create greater visibility with increased sunlight, better ventilation, and more space for short-term parking. Source imagery: @planetlabs A photo posted by Daily Overview (@dailyoverview) on
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