話說 Sigma CEO 山木和人都頗常接受訪問,而且也常常會說英文,在主流攝影器材品牌中,算是相當活躍於幕前的老闆。今次他是接受 Sigma Canada 自己人的訪問,而對談內容都相當正路,大家可看如下︰

比較受用家注意的,大概是 E-mount 鏡頭問題了 (時間 9:26),因為很多 A7 系用家都期望,Sigma 能夠製造 FE 鏡頭 (最好是 Art 啦) 讓他們有更多選擇。而 CEO 就表示,他們是會製造 FE 等 E-mount 鏡頭,但到底是會改變設計,遷就無反相機 (又或更輕更細),還是只把現有 DSLR 鏡改一改接環,目前就還有研究中,未能公開詳情。

值得注意一點是,山木和人強調他們推出了 MC-11 轉接環,重點是讓 DSLR 及 Sony 無反雙修的用家而設,甚至相信這個市場在未來依然會存在,大概是看準了單反 vs 無反,兩者其實各有各的價值,彼此無法完全取代吧。

另外還談及 Sigma 去年推出過電影鏡,CEO 表示其實有製作人曾用他們的鏡頭來拍片,因此可見其鏡頭有此潛力及質素,未來亦會繼續擴充,看來 Sigma 近年的發展頗不錯呢。

根據其 Youtube 描述,以下是不同時間在問的問題︰

0:22 – The Sigma ART series has been a huge success, what was the philosophy behind moving to the new Global Vision Series?
1:23 – The Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 Art lens is about to start shipping. How long has that been in development at Sigma? How many prototypes do they go through? Did you ever try to make a Sigma 24-70mm f/2.0 Art?
2:24 – The Sigma 14mm f/1.8 Art lens is about to arrive. What’s the process like for building a lens design that has never been created before?
3:55 – It took new equipment to make the aspherical element for the 12-24mm Art. You were able to reuse it for the 14mm Art. Did you know that would work? Will you be able to use it on future lenses?
5:08 – Camera technology has evolved greatly over the last 100 years, but the way lenses work is very much the same. What do you see in the future of lenses?
6:34 – What was the reason behind entering the CINE lens market?
7:43 – There has been a high barrier to entry in the CINE market for true anamorphic lenses. Are anamorphic lenses a consideration for the future?
8:24 – Is there a particular film shot on Sigma CINE lenses that you enjoyed the most?
9:00 – What did you think of the Sigma ARTisan Series we shot with Canadian filmmakers?
9:26 – A lot of our customers are asking about the Sony E-mount. How are things looking for dedicated FE lenses in the future? Will they be unique designs or new mounts on the existing Global Vision Series lenses?
10:58 – You’ve been CEO of Sigma for five years now. Is there a particular milestone you have been most proud of in that time?
11:54 – If you could go back in time, is there anything you would change in those last five years?
12:43 – You enjoy shooting photos yourself. Which cameras do you regularly bring with you?
12:57 – Is there a particular style of photography you personally enjoy shooting?
13:12 – Do you share your photos online?
13:36 – Are there any photography websites you visit on a daily basis?
13:53 – Do you have any favourite photographers who’s work you enjoy?
14:20 – What’s your favourite part of this visit to Canada?
14:47 – We heard you are a bit of a baseball fan, is that true?
15:12 – Speed Round

大家可按此去 Youtube 瀏覽,會較方便吧。


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