什麼?愛攝影的你也沒有聽過這個字?不要緊,這個字其實也是剛剛才被收錄到「都市字典」(Urban Dictionary)中。那到底PHOBAR是什麼意思啦?

PHOBAR(Photoshopped Beyond All Recognition),中文就是「被PS到無法辨認」(如上圖)!簡單點說,就是「PS得太超過了!」字典中是這樣解釋的:

-adjective, Acronym for “PHOtoshopped Beyond All Recognition.” A play on the the more popular acronym FUBAR: “Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition,” PHOBAR refers to an image, usually a photo of a person, that has been retouched and airbrushed with digital image manipulation software on a computer so significantly, that the person in the photo is barely recognizable.


– 形容詞,”被PS到辨認不能”的簡寫。為常見的”FUBAR”(被*得辦認不能)一字的變奏。PHOBAR用來形容照片,通常是人像照,被數碼修改到一個地步,相中人是你根本無法辨認出來。

