影片中幾乎被咬到的攝影師名叫 Antonio Ruiz,地點就是哥斯達黎加一個叫「Crocodile Bridge」的地方,那裏聚集了很多鱷魚,他就在今年3月18日於這裏拍攝。相信大家看完之後,都會覺得這個攝影師太掉以輕心吧?還幸好最終無事。這影片是由攝影師的朋友 David Clow 所拍攝,並於網上廣被流傳,人們都主要是批評那個幾乎送命的攝影師吧?
David Clow 還替朋友辯解︰
「It is called living on the edge, not being dumb. It is called guts, not stupidity. Not everyone can afford a huge lens, eh. My friend, Antonio, may have a death wish, and he may be a little crazy, but he is not stupid. He is a hard dude. I wanted to be down there. Like he says in the video, everyone made it worse yelling. He knows how to behave around them. Try not to be too mean, people. Everyone has a heart, and the most fragile ones, the ones on the edge, are easily broken.」
大概意指這是甘於冒險,有點瘋狂,但不是愚蠢,也不是所有人能買得起大炮云云……無論如何,平安最重要啊……更多照片你可以在 David Clow 的 Facebook 頁找到。
via PetaPixel