
上個月我們與 Flickr 合辦了「影像業務發展論壇」,主題為「新聞與紀實攝影」,邀請了法新社、亞新社及 Flickr 中文社群代表主講,以下為當天部份內容影片及花絮分享,如果你對此主題感到興趣,就不要錯過了,影片還提供了中文字幕。


於2001年創辦亞新社 (EyePress) ,專注於圖片新聞通訊社的業務,他創辦亞新社之前曾在無線電視新聞部任職記者,多次採訪重要的國際新聞,曾被派往採訪的國家包括北韓(1995年)、越南、泰緬邊境、東帝汶、阿富汗邊境、兩屆美國總統選舉等,他於2003年曾回到電視台工作,在有線電視新聞部任職首席記者,2003年在巴格達和科威特採訪美伊戰爭,任職前線記者期間,他的報導屢獲國際性奬項,分別於1998年獲人權奬、2001年獲紐約國際電影電視節獲優異奬、2006年獲紐約國際電影電視節獲金奬。吳曉東於2006年全面離開電視新聞工作,全身投入亞新社的工作,成功令亞新社獲政府新聞處納入官方認可的通訊社之列,享有與國際性新聞社如路透社,法新社,美聯社和歐新社同等的新聞採訪和發布資格。


第二段為 Mr. Peter Wood︰

Senior Account Executive, Sales + Marketing at Agence France Presse

Peter Wood began his photographic career in 1988 in the UK and travelled extensively on assignments throughout Africa and India. He came to Hong Kong in 1993 where he joined the team at The Eastern Express Newspaper as a photographer covering all apsects of press photography but mainly doing features and fashion. He began his own photographic company called Eastern Exposure in 1996 and as with most freelancers, covered everything from editorial to advertising and events.

He joined AFP 17 years ago, not as a photographer but to help open up the Sales & Marketing desks around Asia-Pacific. Peter deals with high end executives within the media industry and also with editors, business development managers, marketing executives for newspapers, publications, websites, telcos and public screens. If they need news content, his job is to help provide it. Whilst much of the work is involved with promoting the agency and selling the news content, Peter also works closely with the photo department on a daily basis.




