日常可見的光繪照片,多半是利用燈光在空中畫出圖案或文字,但都不會離地面太遠,美國攝影師 Luke Rasmussen 為了能把攀岩時的路徑與動感可視化,於是結合攀岩與光繪拍出一系列炫目照片,當中效果如像電子能量球劃過岩壁,璀璨奪目。
Luke Rasmussen 同時是攝影師與攀岩愛好者,從他的不少作品皆可見星空下的岩壁懸掛著長長七彩光軌,花紋複雜而漂亮。他分享時指創作是類作品需先把不同 LED 燈束於身上,憑藉相機長曝拍攝,與自身急速上下攀爬,就能在畫面上形成流暢的光軌。
錫安國家公園科洛布峽谷(Kolob Canyon)
猶他州岩石群 Fisher Towers
Salt Point Triceratops
黑天鵝絨峽谷(Black Velvet Canyon)
Clear Light Cave
結合兩種興趣而成的照片帶來了意想不到的效果,攝影師的照片包括了不少內華達州的岩石群,有興趣可至其個人網站或 Instagram 觀看。
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In my personal climbing, I have always been more fascinated by long routes. The idea that these huge walls of rock can be climbed, that with the right vision one can find the perfect line that winds its way up hundreds of feet of rock, is mind blowing. It shouldn't be possible, yet it is. And I've been wanting to pay homage to those visionaries by illuminating their lines. So, I finally have. The problem has always been finding a good partner. These routes usually take your average climber all day to climb. They are slow and laborious affairs. I would need to climb it quickly and efficiently. And I would need to do it in the middle of the night, my path lit by a cumbersome jacket of LEDs and a fanny back battery pack getting in my way. So, when I met @miranda__oakley, I thought perfect I'll give the lights to her, and so I did. And when the full moon arrived, we made our way into Black Velvet Canyon and eyed up Dream of Wild Turkeys (5.10a). 2 hours and 18 minutes later we were at the top of all 7 pitches and 700' of climbing. Half an hour after that, we were back on the ground and headed to retrieve my camera, fingers crossed that the image turned out well. And now, you can see it for yourself. How did we do? Do you like it? I do.
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看攝影師 Denis Smith 舞動「激光劍」,拍攝水上光繪系列「Liquid Light」
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Source:Luke Rasmussen