(image credit:James Whitesmith/Flickr)

很多攝影師都喜歡拍攝溪流,尤其用上慢快門之後,溪流似絲涓一樣相當漂亮,但你有否想過,一條普通而美麗的「小溪」,卻會是超危險的景點?這系列照片是一個名為「Bolton Strid」的小溪,位於英國約克郡,只有大約 6 尺闊,但據資料指,每一個掉進去的人,沒有一個能夠生還逃出來。

這小溪為何會「吞滅」所有落單的人呢?原來河道的下方是非常深的裂縫,強大的暗流把溪裏的人都扯進去,甚至屍體都無法找回。而這種特別的地形,源起於它上方不到 100 碼的河道 River Wharfe,本來 30 尺闊的河水擠進如此狹窄的小溪,變得深不見底。但是小溪表面上的闊度,讓人們掉以輕心,甚至以為可以一步跨過 (名字 Strid 就源自於跨步 stride),結果滑倒掉進去,再也找不到。


(image credit:www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk)

英國詩人 William Wordsworth 寫有一首詩,名為「The Force of Prayer」,其中一段就提及這溪流,紀念 1154 年一個名為 William de Romilly 的年輕人,傳說喪生於此,其母親太過悲傷於是捐出附近土地興建修道院︰

This striding-place is called THE STRID,
A name which it took of yore:
A thousand years hath it borne that name,
And shall a thousand more.

And hither is young Romilly come,
And what may now forbid
That he, perhaps for the hundredth time,
Shall bound across THE STRID?

He sprang in glee,- or what cared he’
That the river was strong, and the rocks were steep? –
But the greyhound in the leash hung back,
And checked him in his leap.

The Boy is in the arms of Wharf,
And strangled by a merciless force;
For never more was young Romilly seen
Till he rose a lifeless corse.

(image credit:James Whitesmith/Flickr)

(image credit:James Whitesmith/Flickr)

(image credit:Richard Brown/Flickr)

(image credit:Andy Hawkins/Flickr)

(image credit:Steve Glover/Flickr)


Source: Amusing Planet